Guido Ghisolfi has passed away - A very severe depression caused his untimely passing
Guido Ghisolfi, 58 years, vice-president and a managing director of the Mossi & Ghisolfi Group has passed away. He was suffering from severe depression and yesterday this resulted in his untimely passing close to his home in Tortona, Northern Italy.
The family and the Mossi & Ghisolfi Group management wish to express their immense and deep regret.
Guido Ghisolfi was a rare Italian entrepreneur with great skills, perseverance and intuition. He was able - together with his father Vittorio and his brother Marco - to lead the Group to become a global organization.
The Mossi & Ghisolfi Group today is one of the global leaders in the field of plastics and in the field of chemicals derived from renewable sources, in the last of which, in particular, Guido Ghisolfi showed outstanding inspiration, courage and dedication.